Updated in 2024

The Foundation’s activities are reflected on our website. All projects that the Foundation is involved in fall into four areas: education, culture, healthcare, and environmental conservation. Each current project has its own section or sections, including its description, news, and information about the tasks that the project solves.

For projects that we have not yet implemented, but dream of implementing, read the publication “PLANNED PROJECTS”.


This is an annual competition for primary school teachers in rural schools in Kyrgyzstan. We first organized it in 2011, the participants showed great interest, which inspired us to continue. The competition is still held today. We conduct it in two stages: first, the participants send us an essay, and then they come for the second round.

Every year we announce a new topic that we think is relevant.

* Award for THREE LAUREATES, including the First Teacher (1st-2nd-3rd places) – a cultural and educational trip for the teacher and students of the entire class to Bishkek for the weekend.

* Award for the FIRST TEACHER (1st place) – a 10-day educational trip to one of the capitals of the world. Details on the links to the sections:

Education › For contestants – in this section the rules of the competition and the best essays are published
Education › The First teacher award – in this section you can read report on the travels of teachers and children, look at the photos
Education › The First teacher contest – on this link you will find reports on the progress of the contest (Diary) and a photo gallery of the 2nd round and the teachers’ award ceremony of each year


The idea was born in 2012, and this is also an annual ongoing project. Its essence is to encourage the future cream of our medicine and medical science with the Sanjarbek Daniyarov Foundation Award – a 10-day educational trip to one of the capitals of the world. Feedback from the winners of the “First Teacher” competition prompted us to offer this award to the winners of the young scientists’ competition, which is organized by the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.A. Akhunbaev as part of the “Science Days of the KSMA”. Sanjarbek Daniyarov successfully headed this educational institution for 17 years – from 1970 to 1987, he believed that a doctor is a person with a broad outlook and high culture. The program of our trip is aimed at gaining new impressions, expanding horizons, visiting theaters and museums.

Details at the link to the section:

THE YEAR 1916, AFTER 1916

In 1916, our people went through a lot of hardships that influenced the entire subsequent course of history.

We are collecting and systematizing documentary sources about those events, researching and publishing the data we have obtained and their analysis, as well as materials from other researchers. The goal is to make information available to everyone who cares about it, to present a reliable and complete picture of the events on the site. Our work on this project continues. Several sections on the site are devoted to this topic:

  • 1916 YEAR › 1916: Our research – here is the chronicle of 1916 by days – “Turkestan: chronological review”, “Chronicle of the bloody command”, our articles, as well as a collection of documents compiled by Vladimir Schwartz “I have the honor to report …”, in addition, our speeches in podcasts
  • 1916 YEAR › 1916: Historiography – articles and collections of articles by various researchers over a hundred years since the events
  • 1916 YEAR › 1916: Documents – selected archival documents and collections of documents
  • 1916 YEAR › 1916 in art – this section is not yet filled, here will be literary works and fine art dedicated to the events of 1916 in Semirechye
  • AFTER 1916 › Our research – our articles and video interviews
  • AFTER 1916 YEARS › Historiography – articles and collections by various authors
  • AFTER 1916 › Documents – selected documents on this topic


The People project collects information about individuals who left their mark in literature, cinema, medicine and other fields of activity. Particular attention is paid to the history of the education system and enlightenment.

In addition, in the section “Era and Personality” we tell about those who earned the respect of the people with extraordinary actions, be it a very famous person or one who does not have wide fame. These are people who did not remain aloof from the most important concerns of their contemporaries, but in solving them, they stepped from their time to us.

There are also those who lived and worked outside our country. We have told more about those we know more about, about individuals from our family (but not only). However, of course, we do not limit our publications and research to this circle.

You can find the headings by following the links:

These sections present:

  • articles, books and historical photographs dedicated to these people,
  • works of those to whom the section is dedicated, their books and films
  • reports on museum exhibitions related to their lives and activities, including those created by us
  • reports on round tables and conferences dedicated to our heroes, including those organized by us
  • Inside the sections, individual publications are marked with the words “History in photographs”, we believe that these materials form additional project.

Next in line are the sections: Kasym Tynystanov, Eshenaaly Arabayev (materials about him are in the section “Education and Educators”, as well as in the book “Bazarkul Daniyarov. Portrait against the Background of the Era”, published on this site), Azhyiman Shabdanov, Abzhalilbek Cholponkulov, Tazabek Samanchin, Gulbara Daniyarova and others.


Under the name “Cultural Life” we planned projects related to theaters, museums, libraries, books, cinema, variety shows and etiquette. And to turn the section into something like a magazine about culture. We have not abandoned these plans, we continue them as best we can.

So far we have mainly published reviews of the collection of fine art by Kyrgyz artists, collected in the Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. The reviews were prepared by art historian Gamal Bokonbaev. This is also a long-term project.

You can read the reviews here:


This is a modest but important project for the Foundation, with which the Foundation’s activities began at the end of 2010. The Foundation announced a collection of books for the library of the school in the village of Kaiyndy, Kemin district, Chui region, Kyrgyzstan. Many people responded to our call and sent us books. Some from their family library, and some specially ordered them from a store.

You can read about it here:

Don’t forget to follow the link in this publication and check out the photos!


The idea is for adults and children to communicate more with each other on abstract topics, and not just to solve practical issues, so that children, when compiling their family tree, become interested and learn more about their loved ones, about their land, and at the same time collect local history information. You can read about this here:

Country › History of my region › The history of history › My family history – Kemin schoolchildren contest 

As part of the project, a school essay competition about the history of their village was organized. According to the terms of the competition, children included their family tree in their essay. This competition was held once in 2013-14 in the Kemin District. We would like to continue the project in different forms, covering a larger territory, which we will definitely tell you about.

For new projects at the concept or planning stage, read the publication “PLANNED PROJECTS”.

In this publication we have tried to briefly present the activities of the fund. Much more information is available on the pages of this site. All publications are in three languages: Kyrgyz, Russian and English (except for the sections devoted to 1916 – here the publications are mainly in Russian, this is due to the large volume of documents in Russian, we will gradually translate them).

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Asel Daniyarova

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