This film, directed by Lilya Turusbekova and screenwriter Kenesh Jusupov, tells about one of the most outstanding and loved by the people poet of Kyrgyzstan – Alykul Osmonov. The film was shot in 1990, when the poet himself was no longer alive, he lived a very short life, dying at the age of 35.
At that time, friends and contemporaries of the Poet were alive. Details about the participation of the poet in the musical and drama circle while studying at the first pedagogical educational institution in the Kyrgyz Republic – the Central Kyrgyz Pedagogical College (CKPT) – tells the teacher in fine arts Alexander Ignatiev. This film has preserved a lively, interesting story about Alykul from the lips of his fellow writers who knew him closely – Tugolbai Sydykbekov and Abdrasul Toktomushev.
For 17 minutes of screen time, we can get to know these outstanding people, and recreate the image of the Poet in our minds, feel the spirit of the times.
How wonderful that the film studio Kyrgyzfilm is engaged in the digitization of our cultural heritage. For you who are interested in the culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Watch the movie “ALYKUL” -18 minutes
More about Lilya Turusbekova
Film by Gani Kudaibergen about Lilya Turusbekova (2023) “Kyrgyzfilm”
Film by Rakiya Shershenova about Lilya Turusbekova (2014) “Kyrgyzfilm” in Kyrgyz
Film by Rakiya Shershenova about Lilya Turusbekova (2014) “Kyrgyzfilm” in Russian
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