We continue to introduce you to the works by Kyrgyz artists in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts named after G.Aitiev. Art historian GAMAL BOKONBAYEV this time presents MURAT BEKDZHANOV‘s works.

Some of the works are presented on the museum’s website, the rest are in the collection, but are not presented on the museum’s website. There are only 18 works in the review, conditionally they can be divided by genre: landscapes – 5, portraits – 12, no still lives, one thematic composition.

In part one there are 9 works.

MURAT BEKDZHANOV (born 1946) is a Poster artist. The painter. Honored Worker of Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic. He was born on November 17, 1946 in Tokmak. In 1966, he graduated from the Frunze Art College, in 1972 – the graphic faculty of the Moscow Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, the poster workshop of N. Ponomarev. Since 1976, he has been a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. The works are in the Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts named after G. Aitiev, as well as museums in the CIS (Information from the website of the museum named after G. Aitiev)

A girl illuminated by the sun. 1974. Oil on canvas, 121×100

A girl is sitting near the window, holding a book on her lap, reading. These are poems, serious poems. Not a tabloid novel or a monograph. We see it clearly! We see restrained colors, the logic of tones, strict lines, antique beauty. The monotonous verticals and horizontals of room axonometry are enlivened by an inclined line – this is the sun in the window, which has become square, illuminated the girl diagonally. The border of light and shadow runs in the middle, and the girl is included in a rectangular roll call with the third dimension. The tonal accent – the dazzling page – enhances the tilt and… the drama. Radiators are usually placed under the windowsill, but the artist removed them: they fell out of his harmony. The artist wrote picturesque poems: about life, creativity, a girl, and removed all non-ethical. But for some reason I left a blinding page. There is an admonition to this remark from above: “For the Soviet modernist, there is the concept of accent, but there is no disharmony. There is a concept of contrast: one page in the light, the other in the shadow. That’s right.” But it will be difficult to read, my eyes will hurt, it will be uncomfortable, you are our serene ones! Disharmony turns out! But nothing seems to bother the girl, and she divinely pacifies me: “Don’t worry, the page is on fire – this is about Brodsky* leaving and Vysotsky* not being published… these times will soon pass. Everything will be fine. Manuscripts don’t burn – Art lasts forever.”

*Brodsky Josef – a Russian and American poet and essayist 
**Vysotsky Vladimir – Russian poet, singer and actor (AD notes)

Morning. Oil on canvas, 70×50,5, 1998

Earlier in the morning, the sky lightened slightly and objects are already distinguishable. They are drawn in shades of gray, contours and texture. A woman is in the kitchen, about to cook breakfast, her hands on the table in front of the chopping board. Young, slender, strong, with beautiful hands, with short hair, in a simple dress. The heat comes from the board. Or is it a small tablecloth? Or a pie? Just out of the oven? Just an accent? That’s how the morning starts! With daily bread! From the warm kitchen. She holds her hands as if she is rolling out dough, but the rolling pin is not visible. The face is not visible in the dark. It seems that the woman has wings behind her back; a square on the wall darkens; a single eye appears higher in the center. The visions of the night recede before dawn. It’s kind of mystical. Unexpected and inappropriate. Why do you want to live here? In such a simple environment, with a woman without a face. I want to live! Something is holding. It holds something that doesn’t exist and never will. The charm of utopia! A social and artistic utopia! In the absence of a real future, real prospects, the only refuge is painting… the 90s are over. It seemed that everything Soviet was gone, the project was over and would never happen again. But nothing has changed for the artist, everything is as before: minimalism, style, subtle taste. The conviction that it is necessary to draw not reality, but to establish a new world. A modern, social world of equality and simple beauty. New approval projects! Like El Lissitzky’s*! PRUNES**! Nothing is gone! The ideals of Soviet modernism continue! Ideals that few people understand now. So it’s time to do new work.

Russian Russian painter, graphic artist, designer, author of architectural projects, teacher; one of the greatest masters of the Russian avant-garde. *El Lisitsky (real name Lisitsky Lazar Markovich, 1890-1941), is a Russian painter, graphic artist, designer, author of architectural projects, teacher.

**Prouns – The main elements of architectonic forms (mass, weight, materiality, proportions, rhythm, space, etc.) were worked out by L.Lisitsky on a plane in graphic experiments — “Prouns” (projects for establishing a new one).

A more detailed introduction to El Lisitsky and the prouns is here (AD’s notes) 

Midday. Oil on canvas, 70×89,5, 1996

View of the courtyard from the outdoor veranda. Residential and outbuildings are visible; canopies are supported by wooden columns; on the roofs are piles of hay, similar to domes. In shape, they echo the distant hills – light against a dark background. At noon, the sun is mercilessly scorching from the south side. The whole yard is flooded with white-light yellow light, and brown shadows glow from reflexes. The artist continues his favorite theme – the modernized environment. Simplicity, style, logic. The verticals of the columns divided the space into rectangles. The shadow of the canopy is a triangular wedge. The base of the courtyard is also a triangle extending beyond the lower edge of the painting. The hemispheres pressed down on the rectangular base… A woman is sitting on the edge of the veranda. What made her sit in the sun? Decided to get warm? Judging by the posture, this is a young woman, they don’t warm up, they burn from the inside. A woman in dazzling white is the formal designation of the center of the composition. The center of the enclosed courtyard. She was put here on eternal duty by a strong-willed decision. It serves as an accent in modernist composition. And in order to create an idea, the artist masterfully burned the color. It’s too bright, too hot, too dangerous, like in a frenzied fantasy of a madman. A formal find turned into a pictorial idea! The idea of a challenge! This is a subconscious challenge to the heat and the courtyard. A woman does not want to live with a wordless accent in the quintessence of southern isolation – she wants to become the sun! It’s better to burn without seeing a way out. It looks like suicide. Or she’ll just have a sunstroke. 

* The most important thing, the main thing, the true essence of something is L. (AD’s notes) 

Portrait of Rahimа. Oil on canvas, 90×80, 1996

The famous art critic Olga Popova writes about the artist’s works as follows: “Bekdzhanov’s portraits are executed in an exquisite range of a few colors that are close to subtle tonal designs. Most often, these are mood portraits, in which the emotional state characteristic of a particular person is conveyed.” End of quote… This is the bride. Of course, the bride. A girl before an important event. Smiling, hoping for happiness and love. The charm of trustfulness and the beauty of hope! All-conquering meekness! In a thick chapan, in a white dress (only the collar is visible); a white scarf on his head. He is sitting in a submissive position: his hands are folded in his lap. Only the edge of the seat peeks out. The sun shone on the face and figure, but the bride’s hands! They are in the shade, but they seem to radiate heat themselves… It seems that all brides are the same and “there is nothing special about her”, but the artist sees a fantastic color – the light comes from the sun, and the heat comes from the human soul… It looks like “The Girl in the Green Scarf” from 1976, but there is activity and dynamics. And here there is static and peace. We shun peace and quiet. These words have become synonymous with stagnation and boredom for us. And we do not understand that peace saves strength… What awaits her? The author does not give any hints, no details, there is a void around, a brutal, coarse-grained texture. And this is the answer to the question – an uncomfortable environment awaits the bride! Prickly questions seem to come from the brown depths: “Does he know the customs? Will he show the skill? Will the household be able to handle it? Will she be able to please her mother-in-law?”… And only faith in people will help her overcome bias, wariness, pride and prejudice*.

*”Pride and Prejudice” is the title of the famous novel by the English writer Jane Austen, written in 1813, it describes the way of life and customs of English society at that time (AD’s notes )

Interior. Oil on canvas, 119.5×140, 1989

The interior of the late nineteenth century. The Art Nouveau style is richly decorated; the enfilade spaces are decorated with antique sculptures. The doors open into perspective and let light into the inner rooms. Gaudy, tasteless, provincial. The decor, especially the diamonds, is the author’s arbitrariness. The Soviet man has everything mixed up: a noble’s nest with a cherry orchard, and ten little Negroes who are being chased by the Baskervilles’ dog… A love triangle: husband, wife, and a third extra. Or maybe it’s just a servant waiting? Then it gets really boring. A child is playing with a hunting dog. The interior is full of details, and the characters are silhouettes woven with whimsical laces of light. The contrast between the static of the interior and the dynamics of vibrating dashes. An interesting combination… But in 1989, something else is relevant! In the USSR, “perestroika”, and in Kyrgyzstan – “New Wave”! Both Satar Aitiyev and Dzhambul Dzhumabayev have become prominent in the new trends. But the Soviet modernist does not want to get involved with pictorial innovations; he understands that something needs to be changed and feels that everything will be a stretch. It used to be easier – there was no freedom, and the machine operator went into design, book illustration, and theater. The time has come when everything is possible, and it turned out that nothing is possible for talent. Nothing will work, except for the black. The paradigm of Soviet Kyrgyz pictorial modernism is disappearing. The other one doesn’t. Honest artists don’t get another one quickly. And you still have to do something. And what? It’s unclear! The state of uncertainty in anticipation of an era of change… Perhaps this is the set design of a particular performance, then all of the above does not count. That’s how one word changes perception!

Silhouettes. Oil on canvas, 130×124.5, 1988

There is a tree in the foreground, then a lawn, a manor house behind the lawn, a portico with columns, and then the eternal sky with cumulus clouds … Russian expanses! The exterior is painted with light and air, and the characters… are cut out of black paper. They are flat and only promising abbreviations allow us to understand who is closer and who is further away. There are unfading values – the sky, trees, lawn, architecture, finally! And the mirage people come and go… The escape of the machine operator to the set design. Got it! It is difficult to give out new meanings and new forms all the time. I want to relax, relax and easily operate with theatrical patterns. It’s not working! Back in the middle of a scandal! Why would an original artist, with his unique and long-suffering theme, need this far-fetched scene from another time, from another country, from another culture? Why would he do that? Yes! Russian Russian language became like a “native language” and Russian culture, like a common, Soviet one. Anyone has the right to plunge into the space of global contexts. Into the literary world of Turgenev, Tolstoy, Chekhov. The world of the noble nest. A lady with a dog is sitting on a chair: her health has been shaken after the loss of her husband. And suddenly “He” appears! A family friend. There is a child in the distance, a daughter playing with a babysitter. He depicted a passing culture. He showed her how she would leave. Over time, becoming a lifeless template, then a silhouette, and finally turning into a mirage! And only the eternal sky will remain… World culture will forever “put pressure” on us, and from a metaphysical point of view it does not matter whether it is Russian or English. The ability of the people to develop spirituality in any conditions is important. And they will never be favorable. And it’s hard to explain to politicians – it’s easier to draw.

The youth of Kyrgyzstan. Circus performers. Oil on canvas, 119,1×139, 1987

In 1962, the first circus troupe “Young Kyrgyzstan” was organized in the Republic. The head is Evgeny Alexandrovich Zhang Funlin (Dzhanybekov); participants are Mamytbekov Esengul, A. Zhusupov, S. Beishebaev, B. Kulubaev, S. Sooronbaev, M. Zhumaliev, Clara Lynchan. They entered the arena for the first time on October 20, 1963! This day is considered the birthday of the Kyrgyz circus! The numbers of the program were created on the basis of national games, some fragments of performances were accompanied by playing on the komuz… It seems to me that the painting depicts the participants of this very first troupe, a sample of 1962! Evgeny Dzhanybekov stands out on the right; in a suit, in a tie, leaning slightly on a cane. There is a girl in the center; the blind collar of the dress, the hairstyle – all this points to Clara Lynchan. The one on the far right looks like a clown: smiling, wearing a baggy jacket. Maybe it’s Sooronbayev, the first Kyrgyz clown… Or maybe not. These are all my assumptions. I don’t have reliable data, we don’t even know everyone by name. And I don’t have time for detailed research either, I’m not a historian – I’m more interested in artistic paradoxes… They stand, as a selection, slender, beautiful, strong! Athletes and acrobats. They are standing behind the “scenes” in full combat readiness, the curtain is pulled back, the circus arena, the equestrian room, the rider are visible. Faces glow with lines, the space is sculpted by texture, monochrome is rich in shades. That’s just the picture looks more like… a street poster painted in oil on canvas, only the text is missing. That’s what they did! Toulouse-Lautrec did, in the USSR they did, in 20 years! Is the avant-garde coming back? It doesn’t look like it. The new form does not add new content. This is a special case. It was cool to make a poster and sell it to a museum as an easel painting! It was freedom! Artistic freedom! They could say that the artist had cheated. They didn’t say. There was a common understanding – it was appropriate, original and talented! The liberal-minded environment defended the artist’s right to experiment. Not all searches were successful! In this case, it worked! It turned out famously, like circus riders. And behind the ease of execution, there is a skill gained over the years, like that of circus workers. So what if the author applied the street art format? It helped to capture the “outgoing nature” and preserve the spontaneity! And looking like a poster is not a vice! This is a virtue! All posters should be like this – elegant, aesthetic! And the easel painting should be treated lightly, as a folk pastime, and not as a responsible assignment of the party and the government! We need to be closer to people! In general, the 25th anniversary of the first circus troupe in Kyrgyzstan was celebrated cheerfully!

Twilight. Cardboard, oil, 68,7×58,7, 1982

The rural yard is fenced with a hedge, a cow lies under it. A haystack and bushes crowd behind the hedge; a tree rises, hills are visible in the distance and above all this is the eternal sky. Grisaille in green and blue shades. It looks like a moonlit night. But the author clearly defined the time of day in the title – twilight. The earth is illuminated not by the moon, but by the sky. Where is the extra light coming from? Judging by the haystack – on the right, and judging by the cow – on the left. Do the objects themselves glow? It doesn’t look like it. Usually light emits heat, but there are not enough warm shades here. The light source is located somewhere in front of the painting, it snatches out some of the objects, but cannot be depicted! Something otherworldly? … Judging by the haystack and lush greenery, it’s late summer or early autumn. It’s a warm season, and the painting is cold. Why?.. A cow, a tree, a fence are eternal symbols! Recognizable and… different. There are no familiar sensations, and we cannot believe that they are not in the picture. There is no tenderness for the old, there is no joy from meeting the beautiful, there is no pastoral pathos! Frozen traditions! And modernization will not help, neither technical nor artistic! Stop dreaming! The urban artist took off the positive blinders and saw the modern village in a completely different way. Before us is the twilight of a rural idyll, when all feelings cool down in anticipation of the night…

Colored cubes. Oil on canvas, 80×80, 1982

A woman in a white dress with a baby on her lap is sitting in a room with an open door. The child is wearing a white shirt and a brown sleeveless jacket. It’s quiet outside and mom is not afraid of drafts, let the little one feel the coolness… Beautiful rural landscape: sky, mountains, summer dense greenery, a duval, a canopy, a perfectly clean yard. Ochre is light, ochre is red, dark green shades. Harmony of color! Joy for the eyes! And the viewer’s eye revolves around a tiny yellow-red-green cube! A poisonous accent looks like a dissonance! The center of the composition is a product of the modern chemical industry! But how carefully mom holds the toy in the palm of her hand. How interesting is the baby! The cube is relevant! Erne Rubik invented the Rubik’s Cube, a puzzle toy, in 1974, in 1981 it appeared in the USSR. And maybe mom and child are playing Rubik’s cube!.. Global visual innovations are being aggressively introduced into nature, into the natural environment of the Kyrgyz village, and … this is inevitable. Tradition is under the pressure of modernization! But the author asks a more complicated riddle. In his understanding, tradition is something very peculiar, unlike the generally accepted and familiar. His tradition is a dry style, simplified shapes and restrained colors, and it is the bright cube that looks alive and natural in the picture. And the viewer does not understand: between what and what is the dispute going on here? Or maybe this is a confrontation of the ideal rural modernity with the real urban postmodernity? Postmodernism** offered a new paradigm*** and helped to come to terms with the eclecticism of the 80s. And what will help us now? What are we going to do about today’s visual lawlessness?

* Art Nouveau is a style of fine, decorative, applied, jewelry, interior art and architecture. It originated at the end of the 19th century and was popular until the outbreak of the First World War. This style is distinguished by an abundance of decorative details and elements, smooth lines, rounded and flowing shapes. It is also characterized by a variety of floral ornaments and natural motifs. In each country, it was called differently: in Russia – “modern”, in Austria – “secession”, in the USA — “Tiffany”, in France — “Art Nouveau”, in Germany — “Art Nouveau”, in Belgium – “style of twenty”, in England — “modern styleIn Italy — the “liberty style”, and in Switzerland — the “spruce style”.

** Postmodernism is a broad movement that developed in the mid-late 20th century in philosophy, art, architecture and criticism and marked a departure from modernism.

*** A paradigm is a model (of anything, but most often this word is used in application to science or a general worldview), a generally recognized model or example of how to approach solving problems in this area at this stage of development. (AD’s notes )

<= ISSUE 14                                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED

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Gamal Bokonbaev


As we have already reported, this year the traditional journey of the winner of the FIRST TEACHER competition was made by two teachers – Nurzhan Isakova, the winner of the 12th competition (2023/2024 academic year) and Turumkan Karimova, the winner of the 6th competition (2017).

This report consists of two parts: from July 8 to 11 (Part 1) and from July 12 to 17 (Part 2) 2024.

See PART 1


07/12/2024 FRIDAY

We spent Friday at the Tretyakov Gallery, in the main building in Lavrushinsky Lane. The museum’s exposition consists of the famous collection of Russian fine art of the 16th and 20th centuries, rich and diverse. We managed to walk through all the halls and discuss the most impressive works of the artists.

We walked along the pedestrian Lavrushinsky Lane, ascended the small Luzhkov Bridge, from which fountains can be seen gushing directly from the canal bordering Bolotnaya Square.  We climbed the Big Stone Bridge and returned home for dinner on the subway.

07/13/2024 SATURDAY

After breakfast, we hurried to the Kremlin. The visit to the Kremlin was scheduled for Saturday, because on this day, once a week in the summer, on Cathedral Square at 12:00, you can see an interesting show – the divorce ceremony of the foot and horse guards of the Presidential Regiment, which has been held since 2004. The participants are dressed in uniforms of the beginning of the XX century, designed under Nicholas II in honor of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. The synchronicity of horse and foot performances to the sounds of a military band is impressive.

At the end of the show, we visited the cathedrals of the Kremlin, strolled through its well-groomed territory, took a look from the Kremlin wall at the Moskva River. Like all tourists, took pictures at the Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell.

At 13:30 we visited the famous museum in the Kremlin – the ARMORY, where valuables belonging to generations of the royal family are presented – carriages, thrones, clothes, horse equipment, dishes and other things.

After lunch at the cafe in the Hermitage Garden, we visited the Novaya Opera Theater. Adolf Adan’s opera “THE POSTMAN FROM LONGJUMEAU” with a rather funny plot was waiting for us.

After the opera, we walked a little through Moscow at night: Petrovka St., Petrovsky Passage, and went out to the Theater Square to the Bolshoi Theater. We had dinner at home that day.

07/14/2024 SUNDAY

In the morning, my guests met with their relatives.

In the evening, we attended an unforgettable performance at the NIKULIN CIRCUS on Tsvetnoy Boulevard called “MATRYOSHKA”.

After leaving the circus, we took pictures at the wonderful sculpture of Nikulin getting out of the car at the steps of the circus, as well as at the clowns by Z. Tsereteli on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

07/15/2024 MONDAY

That day we had breakfast on the roof of our house on Khodynsky Boulevard. The guests have been waiting for this for a long time, they really liked our picnic area on the roof above the 12th floor, which overlooks the Khodynskoye Pole Park, and on the other hand, the Moscow City complex

At 13:00, a boat trip on the RADISSON FLOTILLA along the Moscow River took place from the RADISSON-UKRAINE hotel to the high-rise building on the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment. The walk lasts two and a half hours, from the yacht you can admire the most famous views of the center of Moscow.

After getting off the yacht, we visited the five-star Radisson-Ukraine Hotel, located in one of the seven Moscow skyscrapers. The lobby of the hotel is luxurious, with murals and sculptures, but we came to see a unique diorama of Moscow – a mock-up of the Kremlin and the surrounding area. It was created in 1977 by order of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the national exhibition in America, where it caused a sensation: “miniature Moscow” in New York’s Deer Park was visited by up to 40 thousand people a day.

Evening came, and we went to the theater for the ballet, got caught in a torrential summer downpour. We visited the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater for the classical ballet by Caesar Puni “ESMERALDA”. It is one of the best opera and ballet theaters in the world. And the building is surprisingly elegant and well maintained.

07/16/2024 TUESDAY

This time we went for a whole day to the Arkhangelskoe Manor Museum-Reserve, located near Moscow. This is the estate of the Yusupovs, the richest family of the Russian Empire. We took a walk through the huge park surrounding the Yusupov Palace. The park consists of trees trimmed in the French style, a large English lawn in the center, called “Parterre”, bordered by galleries of greenery, the embankment of the Moskva River. Sculptures in the classical style are scattered here and there. Nearby there is an infield church with water towers. The greenery and the promenade paths in the park are very well maintained.

We returned home for dinner.

07/17/2024 WEDNESDAY

From left to right: Nurjan Isakova, Turumkan Karimova’s son, Turumkan Karimova, Vladimir Shvarts, Asel Daniyarova

Departure to Sheremetyevo airport. 07:55 departure to Bishkek

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Asel Daniyarova


This year, two teachers took part in the traditional journey of the winner of the FIRST TEACHER contest – Nurjan Isakova, the winner of the 12th competition (2023/2024 academic year) and Turumkan Karimova, the winner of the 6th competition (2017). Turumkan eje could not come immediately after the winning award due to personal circumstances, and now she has managed to make a long-awaited trip with a colleague. Later in this report, I will call our guests Nurjan (based on the fact that she is younger than me) and Turumkan eje (eje – respectful treatment of an older woman).

As those who follow the news of the Sanjarbek Daniyarov Foundation know, every year the winner of the “FIRST TEACHER” competition, in addition to this expanding horizons trip, receives an award in the form of a cultural and educational trip to Bishkek for the weekend together with her/his entire class. Three classes are going on this trip at once – students of the teachers who took the first, second and third places. After the next trip of schoolchildren (including Nurzhan Isakova’s students) takes place, in accordance with the tradition of the foundation, we will share our report on this site.

This report consists of two parts: from July 8 to 11 and from July 12 to 17, 2024.


08.07.2024 MONDAY

We arrived in Moscow in advance to prepare for the arrival of Nurjan ayim (aiym – miss or mrs in Kyrgyz) and Turumkan eje (addressing an older woman in Kyrgyz). All the winners who come to Moscow as part of the foundation’s award stay in our Moscow apartment in the CSKA metro area, the apartment building is located right in the Khodynskoye Pole Park.

The plane with the guests arrived at Sheremetyevo airport at 11:55 a.m., we went to the city by Aeroexpress train. This is a comfortable high-speed train connecting all Moscow airports with train stations and metro stations. Pensioners, such as my husband and I, travel on the Aeroexpress train and in all types of public transport for free.

Together with the guests, we arrived at Khodynsky Boulevard just in time for lunch. After a short rest and after discussing the details of our program, we went for a walk around the surroundings of our place of stay.

Build not very long ago Khodynskoye Pole Park is a place of attraction for Muscovites who want to relax. The park has a small pond with ducks, two hills from which the surroundings are visible, one of them has a Mirror maze, the second has a swing for adults. There is a large playground, a huge sandbox, an outdoor swimming pool, and many sports fields. Everyone is especially fond of the “dry” fountain, the jets of water in it are beating out of the ground, and children and adults like to run under the jets in hot weather.

The CSKA metro station, opening directly into the park, is its built-in part, a green lawn is laid out on the roof of the station and benches for sunbathing are installed.

A large shopping and entertainment center Aviapark adjoins the Khodynskoye Pole Park on the opposite side from our house, in which a huge aquarium is installed to attract visitors. It is the tallest cylindrical aquarium in the world, 23 m high and 6 m in diameter with an artificial coral reef in the center. We looked at it too.

In the evening we returned home and had dinner together

09.07.2024 TUESDAY

After breakfast, we took the subway to the very center of the city, towards Red Square. On the way, we got off at the Mayakovskaya metro station to see the wonderful beauty of the station hall, which I demonstrate to all travelers, and then continued the trip.

We started exploring the city center from Red Square, the perimeter of which is outlined by the high walls of the Moscow Kremlin with the Spasskaya Tower, Lenin Mausoleum, Historical Museum, GUM and St. Basil’s Cathedral. The guests expressed a desire to visit the mausoleum, but it turned out that they had to stand in a long queue (which is not visible from the square, it stretches along the wall behind the turnstiles), and the day was hot.

We went to GUM, built at the end of the 19th century as the Upper Shopping Malls. Of course, its architecture is in the form of three long galleries (passages) with a glass roof, with bridges on the second floor and a fountain in the center, it pleases the eyes of visitors. Traditionally, we enjoyed ice cream.

We returned to the square to enter St. Basil’s Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral). This colorful temple, erected in the middle of the 16th century in honor of the capture of Kazan, has long been a hallmark of the main square of the Russian Federation and a symbol of Moscow. We looked at the painted walls, narrow mysterious rooms, an ancient iconostasis, all this was accompanied by church polyphonic singing in conditions of excellent acoustics of the temple.

ZARYADYE Park appeared a little more than 10 years ago on the site of the former 10,000-bed Rossiya Hotel. In the old days, this place was called that, because it was located behind the shopping malls. In this park there are mounds covered with vegetation of different climatic zones of the country, as evidenced by the signs. The hills offer wonderful views of the Kremlin and the surrounding area, as well as the park itself. In the center of the park there is a huge outdoor concert venue with a glass canopy, where we sat. In Moscow, on this day, it was incredibly hot, and fog was sprayed from the canopy to cool those who sat down to rest. We walked along the famous Floating bridge over the Moscow River with glass railings. The bridge was created specifically for viewing the most beautiful views, it reaches the middle of the river and turns back.

We had lunch at a Georgian restaurant in the shopping center “Okhotny Ryad” under Manezhnaya Square, which adjoins Red Square. Through the Alexander Garden, stretching along the western side of the Kremlin, we walked to the Borovitskaya Tower, then past the monument to Vladimir, the largest library named after Lenin and entered the subway, drove to the Komsomolskaya metro station. We rested in Trubetskoy Park next to the Moscow Youth Palace (MDM), which is essentially a theater for musicals.

19:00 musical “DON’T BE AFRAID OF ANYTHING, I’M WITH YOU”  in the MDM. This musical is based on the hits of the Secret group, popular in the Soviet Union, whose songs were distinguished by melodiousness and content. The action takes us to a later Soviet time. I hope the guests enjoyed the performance or, at least, it was interesting to get acquainted with the genre of the musical.

07/10/2024 WEDNESDAY

After a leisurely breakfast, we set off towards the Kropotkinskaya metro station. Our first goal was to inspect the Cathedral of CHRIST the SAVIOR, inside and out. The temple has a high dome, its walls are completely painted on biblical themes, and in the center there is a very beautiful iconostasis. All this impresses visitors, but, unfortunately, photographing inside is not allowed. We went up to the observation deck of the temple, from where you can admire the panorama of the center of Moscow.

After leaving the temple, we walked along the “PATRIARCHAL” bridge, which offers beautiful views of the Kremlin on one side, and the historical buildings of the Einem Partnership chocolate factory, renamed Red October in Soviet times. Currently, the buildings are used as an exhibition and shopping complex.

Our main goal on this day was to visit the PUSHKIN MUSEUM of FINE ARTS, the main building. The museum is huge, opened in the early 20th century. According to the plan of the initiator, Professor Tsvetaev, it was supposed to bring art closer to the people by presenting samples of world masterpieces. We visited the halls: The art of Ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient Rome, Europe of the 16th-18th centuries. The impression was made not only by the works themselves, but also by the halls of the museum, beautifully decorated, favorably emphasizing the beauty of sculptural and picturesque exhibits.

We had lunch at the Il Patio near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and managed to walk along Gogol Boulevard. A ring of boulevards surrounds the city center, many of them have monuments to writers and poets. An original monument to Mikhail Sholokhov, the author of The Quiet Don, and a Nobel laureate, has been erected on Gogolevsky.

We took the metro to Strastny Boulevard, turned onto Petrovka Street and Karetny Ryad Street. We came to the HERMITAGE Garden. The garden is located in the very center of Moscow in a very beautiful corner, and in fact is an Art Nouveau park for the recreation of citizens. Unlike other parks three theaters located in this one in addition to the summer stage: the Hermitage Theater, the New Opera and the Sphere Theater.

At 19:00 at the SPHERE Theater, we attended the performance of the classic Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky “GUILTY WITHOUT GUILT”. The Sphere Theater is not like other theaters, the hall in it is chamber, and the stage is viewed from all sides, so that the audience feels like participants in a stage action. Interestingly, Nurzhan was familiar with the translated version of this play staged by the Kyrgyz Drama Theater, which was shown on television many years ago, and left an indelible impression.

11.07.2024 THURSDAY

In the morning, after breakfast, we went to the Cosmonautics Museum. This museum is located at the base of the 110-meter monument to the Conquerors of space. In my opinion, the museum is extremely interesting, filled with real spacecraft and attributes of astronauts, it clearly shows the development of cosmonautics.

We spent three hours in the museum, and then went for a walk around the territory of VDNH (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy). Of course, we took pictures at the Fountain of Friendship of Peoples. This fountain is famous for sculptures of 16 girls in national costumes with symbols of the republics in their hands. At the time of the fountain’s creation, the Soviet Union included not 15, but 16 republics (later the Karelo-Finnish SSR ceased to exist). As always, I suggested that our travelers identify a Kyrgyz girl, which is not very easy. In accordance with the signs of that time, she had cotton in her hands, which was also on the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz SSR, then cotton growing was an important branch of the republic

Our next goal was the MOSKVARIUM oceanarium, in which we wandered for a long time, because the number of inhabitants of the seas and oceans that can be viewed through the aquarium windows is huge – from sharks, killer whales and rays to the smallest colorful purple, yellow and mottled small fish.

After going out into the air, we had lunch at the cafe “Shokoladnitsa”, this time we were treated to lunch by Turumkan eje.

On the way back, we took another road through the Botanical Garden, past the Ostankino estate (unfortunately, at that moment the estate was under restoration).

We had dinner at home and discussed the impressions of the day


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Asel Daniyarova


Dear participants of the contest, the audience and everyone who is interested!

You can view or download ALL the photos taken by us on April 27, 2024 during the 2nd round of the competition and the award ceremony in the hall of the I.K. Akhunbayev KSMU.

The photos are placed in chronological order and reflect all stages of the event according to the program, including the ceremony of awarding the THE SIGN OF RESPECT badge.

The photos will be stored until August 31, 2024. Please download the photos that you are interested in before this date. Then they will be deleted from the disk.


More on the topic:




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Asel Daniyarova


This year we conducted the FIRST TEACHER contest for the 12th time!

Those who follow the news of our CONTEST or are interested in the life of schools in Kyrgyzstan have already had the opportunity to read about the Topic of the year, learn about the activity of teachers from different regions of the country, and about the six finalists of the first round. The interested site visitors could also read the best essays of the year. We give he links to publications the end of this report.

We held the second round of the contest and the award ceremony on April 27, 2024 in the Auditorium of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (KSMA) named after I.K. Akhunbaev. The event lasted from 10:00 to 17:00.

As always, I am sharing with you a report on the final stage of the 12th contest and the award ceremony. The ceremony of awarding the “Sign of Respect” of the Sanjarbek Daniyarov Foundation was also held during the event. This is in a separate report.

I try to make this report as succinct and short as possible, but a simple enumeration of the key facts takes up a lot of space. So get ready to read, as they like to say now, “a lot of letters.”


As usual, according to the rules of our contest, 6 people reached the final according to the estimates of the first round. All of them came from different regions – Isakova Nurjan from Suzak district, Ganyeva Aimyskal from Batken district, Japarova Aigul from Zhayyl district, Duyshonby kyzy Bermet from Ton district, Serkebayeva Gulzana from Tyup district and Umetalieva Indira from Kemin district. We presented these teachers with Diplomas of the winners of the first round of the CONTEST.

We presented the finalists to you and told you about the course of the first round in our previous report, the link is at the end of this publication, there is also a link to the published works of the finalists.

Below are our finalists, the participants of the 2 round

As always, we have sent the tasks of the second round in advance to participants to give them opportunity to prepare answers. There were three tasks in total, each with 6 questions, the finalists did not know which question of the six would fall to whom, it was determined by drawing lots. As last year, we sent out the tasks of the second round to all participants of the contest, who would cone to the second round as observers and fans, not just to the finalists. We believe that it is more interesting for the audience to listen to the answers of finalists if the observers have their own versions of the answers. Every year, not only the finalists come to the second round, but all the participants of the contest. They come to receive Certificates of participation, as well as to communicate with each other, cheer for the finalists, listen to the speech of the Guest of Honor. This year there were up to 5 teachers from the same school arrived together to our event.

In the course of the contest and breaks

I must say that the questions of the second round were highly appreciated by the participants, who noted that the tasks reflect the real difficulties in school education and upbringing faced by teachers. You can also read or download the tasks of the second round here. Tasks in Russian, Tasks in Kyrgyz


They are:

ISAKOVA NURJAN, Y. Chanakov secondary school, Jalal-Abad region, Suzak district, Kyzyl Semir village – 172 points. She reached the final of the CONTEST for the third time: in the 8th CONTEST (2019) she reached the final, in the 10th (2021) she took second place and became a laureate, and finally in the 12th CONTEST (2023/24 academic year) she became the winner!

GANYEVA AIMYSKAL, Secondary School named after K. Tagaeva, Batken region, Batken district, Samarqandek, Jany Bak village – 171 points. I participated for the first time.

UMETALIEVA INDIRA, Secondary school named after Abdykayira Kazakbayeva, Chuy region, Keminsky district, Chym-Korgon village – 169 points. I participated for the first time.

Our congratulations to the winners! We wish them success in teaching and educating children!



 In the second round, the contestants were evaluated by the same jury members as in the first round. There are 16 people in total, of which 10 are experts in the education system, and 7 are winners of our CONTEST of previous years. Three people were unable to participate in the judging in the second round due to work reasons.

Our judges work on a voluntary basis, at the expense of their personal time. The “veterans” of our jury – Zharkyn Ryskulova and Mira Mykyeva have been participating in this work for 12 years, and Zamira Momunkulova, Mirgul Esengulova, Chynara Batrakeeva have been for 10 years.

We believe that the high professionalism of the jury is extremely important for the high level of our CONTEST. We will tell you more about our jury in a separate publication.

The presenter announces the names of the jury members, who solemnly go to their places at the jury table:


Our permanent presenter, starting from the 8th CONTEST, is Taalaibek Myrzabaevich Myrzabaev, a primary school teacher at K.Karachev secondary school No. 21 in the village of Sary-Dobo Tyupsky district of Issyk-Kul region. Taalaibek Myrzabaevich is a national coach of international projects, an experienced mentor of young teachers, and the winner of the “SIGN OF RESPECT” award of the Sanzharbek Daniyarov Foundation. I think it is very important to note that Taalaibek Myrzabaevich is our volunteer, he participates in the contest not for financial reward, but at the call of his soul!

I want to repeat the words from my report last year: general education, knowledge of the work of a rural primary school teacher, artistry and sincere enthusiasm for the cause make Taalaibek Myrzabaevich a virtuoso and irreplaceable presenter!

Our event host – Taalaybek Myrzabaev


The invitation of the Guest of Honor is a very important tradition of our CONTEST. Teachers specially come to Bishkek to meet with colleagues and take part in a professional forum. We use this opportunity to organize a lively exchange of opinions with an interesting person, our contemporary, to find out his ideas, thoughts and ideas on the Theme of the year.

This year, as the Guest of Honor of the 12th FIRST TEACHER CONTEST, we invited Jenishgul Ozybekova.

Our guest of honor is a poet, playwright, screenwriter, theater actress, TV journalist, film producer. Many consider her to be one of the creators of the Kyrgyz television series. Suffice it to say that Jenishgul eje is the producer of such popular TV series as “Chirkin omur” (40 episodes), “Apamdyn Mahabaty” (20 episodes), “Jalbyz” (22 episodes), “Muras” (10 episodes), “Choochun kishi” (12 episodes in season 1), the author of the scripts of many of them, as well as the screenwriter and producer of the feature film “Karagyz”, directed by Gennady Bazarov. Oga is the author of a number of poetry books and drama collections.

Of course, the guest shared her opinion about labor migration, the consequences of this process for our younger generation, and shared interesting examples from her practice while working on films. And, of course, they touched on creative plans that were keenly interested in the audience.



As last year, we gathered in the Assembly Hall of the I.K. Akhunbayev KSMU. This is the second time we have held the 2nd round of the CONTEST and the award ceremony at this famous educational institution. How lucky we are that the academy has provided us with its own hall!

Our dear participants, arriving in the morning from all over the country, found themselves in a clean and bright, beautifully decorated Assembly hall with a high ceiling with a capacity of 250 people. I want to share with you how pleased I was, as the organizer of the event, that everything was done for the convenience of participants by modern standards: a huge screen – a plasma panel that does not need dimming in the hall, a computer permanently installed and already paired with a screen and 4 speakers, everything is clearly adjusted; video cameras, already turned on and set up for live broadcast on YouTube, several microphones that do not need to be brought from somewhere and checked…

As before, we did not use the stage, but set up tables for the jury members so that they could see the six participants of the second round, at the same time the participants and the audience would see the jury members and the score plates.

I would like to sincerely thank the leadership of the KSMU, first of all the rector, Professor Indira Kudaibergenova, for the opportunity to hold our event in the KSMU hall. The staff of the KSMU were very attentive to us, provided maximum support in organizational matters, first of all, the vice-rector for state language and educational work Gulsunkan Zhunushalieva. Dayyr Kalybek uulu supervised and quickly solved technical issues. Assistance in organizational matters was provided by the commandant of the Main Peace Corps, as well as staff and students of the Department of Normal Physiology named after S.B.Daniyarov.



The registration of the arriving guests was helped by volunteer Nazira Akmatova, an employee of the Historical Museum, and Marat Rayymkulov, a physicist and artist, as well as my son-in-law.

As always, Bektur Daniyarov, an interventional cardiologist and my brother, and Asel Jumakova, a lecturer in economics at KRSU, and Bektur’s wife, kept records and registered the points awarded to the participants by the jury members. I would especially like to thank Assel for her effective assistance during the event.

During the event, Tolonbayev Bakyt, a nephew, worked with sound and image.

Unfortunately, there was no musical surprise this year. The musicians we were waiting for couldn’t come. But we will definitely continue the tradition next year!



If the readers of these lines have criticism or constructive suggestions regarding this contest, write in the comments, I will definitely pay full attention to this.

More on the topic:



Here are reports on the travels of the winners:

education › the first teacher award

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Asel Daniyarova


Today, on Children’s Day, I unexpectedly received a gift from the documentary film director Tilek Murataliev!

Working in the archive of Film and Photographic Documents (KFPD) of the Kyrgyz Republic, he discovered footage from the chronicle, filmed on May 1, 1958, with our mother Lilya Turusbekova and dad Sanjarbek Daniyarov, and with us – sisters Asel and Gyuzel – in a double stroller. We are less than four months old here, and our parents are happy, full of expectations, she is an aspiring certified documentary filmmaker, and he is a young promising physiologist, PhD.

This charming story was made in the midst of a “thaw”. Such an informal but joyful story, the image of a young family, is woven into the newsreel footage that tells about the labor successes of the country’s citizens.

I have already found interesting family shots in the archive, for example, in 1951, my mother went to study in Moscow at the All-Union Institute of Cinematography, her mother, our grandmother, saw her off at the train station. And her whole appearance expresses enlightenment with joy, anticipation of the new, beautiful. And there are shots of 1959, where Lilya Turusbekova is awarded a high government award, she is 26 years old, she is young, thin and spirited. These images were used in two documentaries about her.

Our dad was a very noticeable, I would say charismatic young man, but so far I have not seen film footage of him at this age, he is 30 years old on this film.

I am glad to share with you these invaluable shots for me and my loved ones today

Films about Lilya Turusbekova



people › kyrgyzstan personalities. lilya turusbekova › films by lilya turusbekova & about her

Articles about Lilya Turusbekova

people › kyrgyzstan personalities. lilya turusbekova › on creative personality

About Sanjarbek Daniyarov
people › kyrgyzstan personalities. sanjarbek daniyarov

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Asel Daniyarova


Three and a half years ago, our first discussion with Mirjan Balybaev took place within the framework of the program “Esimde” on the topic of the events of 1916 in Semirechye: THE PROGRAM “ESIMDE” ON THE NTS CHANNEL. 1916 — THE REASONS

And so we returned to this topic and continued it in connection with the publication of a new book entitled “I have the honor to inform …”. This is a collection of documents related to the activities of the Vernensky search station and its head V.F. Zheleznyakov in the period from 1915 to 1917. Briefly about the book: 2024 YEAR OF PUBLICATION. “I HAVE THE HONOR TO CONVEY…” COLLECTION OF DOCUMENTS

The theme of the events of 1916 is very big, and a whole series of broadcasts is needed to fully cover it. Together with the journalist, we tried to highlight some important aspects of the events in Semirechye. We believe that our first conversation, which took place within the framework of the “Esimde” program, together with the two parts of the new issue, can be considered as a single cycle.

PART 1. Duration 49:21 min

PART 1. Duration 50:44 min


More on the topic:




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Санжарбек Данияровдун коомдук фонду
Фонд Санжарбека Даниярова
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Асель Даниярова


After the publication of the book “I HAVE THE HONORED TO CONVEY…” journalist Naryn Ayip invited Vladimir Schwartz and me, Asel Daniyarova, to Channel 7 television for a conversation about the events that are presented in the documents included in the collection.

During the conversation, the nature and features of the dramatic events of 1916 in Semirechye were discussed, we talked about the functions of the gendarmerie captain, what the Verny search point was and why it was important to study the sources related to his activities.

The broadcast was made in two parts.

PART 1. Duration 29.51 min

PART 2. Duration 30 min

More on the topic:



the year 1916 › 1916: our research › 1916: our papers

the year 1916 › 1916: our research › 1916: chronicles

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Санжарбек Данияровдун коомдук фонду
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Asel Daniyarova


The events of 1916 in Semirechye are of interest to both professional historians and those who are interested in the history of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, the whole of Central Asia, Russia, as well as history in general.

A new collection of documents with a preface and an afterword dedicated to the drama of 1916 in the Semirechye region of the Turkestan General Government was released in the current year 2024 under the title:

“I have the honor to convey …” The Semirechye events of 1916 in the documents of the Verny search post. Collection of documents / Sanjarbek Daniyarov Foundation / [comp., author’s introduction. and afterword by V.I. Schwartz] — Bishkek: Sanjarbek Daniyarov Foundation, 2024. — 704 p., ill.

The readers can purchase this book in paper form in Bishkek in the RARITY chain stores and the NUSKA bookstore. Brief information about the book is published here: PUBLISHED IN 2024. “MAY I HAVE THE HONOR TO CONVEY” A COLLECTION OF DOCUMENTS

Presentation of the book to readers was held on May 17 in the conference room of the M.V. Frunze Museum in Bishkek. We are sharing with you a report about this event.

The Frunze Museum was chosen as the venue for the event. The building is located in the very center of the city, adjacent to the Oak Park and the Old Square and is well known to historians and history lovers and residents of Bishkek.

We are extremely grateful to the director of the museum M.V. Frunze Keneshpek Almakuchukov for the offer to present the book at the museum site. The museum staff were very attentive to us and the guests, provided information support quickly and silently!

On the stairs leading from the lobby to the Assembly Hall of the museum, selected photographs from the book were presented, which the arriving participants got acquainted with. 72 people registered for the event in advance (the capacity of the hall is estimated at 70-80 people), but in practice there were more guests — a total of 83 people took part in addition to the organizers – Vladimir Shvarts and Assel Daniyarova, the director of the museum and staff.

Most of the audience consisted of professional historians, public figures, descendants of participants in the events, researchers on the topic of 1916, journalists, as well as history buffs and our loved ones. A scientist who has long been engaged in the topic of 1916, who released several collections of documents, Deputy director of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Shamek Tleubayev came from a neighboring state specifically to present the book. The respected historian was already familiar with the book and came to express his opinion to our audience.

16:30 – 17:00
Registration and gathering of participants
17:00 – 19:30
Greeting. The presenter is Asel Daniyarova · How and why the book was created. The compiler, author of the preface and afterword is Vladimir Schwartz · A few words to readers about the structure of the book. Asel Daniyarova · Opinion of the first readers: Shamek Tleubaev, Emilbek Kaptagaev, Gulnara Aitpaeva, Ayida Kubatova · Comments, questions and answers: Elmira Nogoibayeva, Ablabek Asankanov, Kanybek Imanaliev, Nasikat Dakenova
19:30 – 20:30
Buffet and free exchange of opinions
Speeches from the audience in Russian and Kyrgyz languages — at the choice of the speaker


The compiler of the collection, the author of the preface and afterword, Vladimir Shwartz, spoke about how the search for materials on the topic of 1916 was conducted, how the work with documents was carried out and shared photos of “travels” through the archives, as well as pictures from family albums of participants in these dramatic events. The presentation can be viewed at the end of this publication.

Then Asel Daniyarova spoke about the structure of the book, drawing the attention of the audience to the peculiarities of presenting documents in it with all resolutions and marginalia (marginal notes). The book is provided with Appendices, in particular, about 800 names are listed in the Name Index. “Look through the index, and maybe you’ll find the names of loved ones or even relatives.” It’s interesting that it turned out that way! One of the participants, Nasikat Dakenova, a researcher at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, found one of her ancestors in the name index, which she told the audience about.

After the presentation of the book by the compiler and author of the preface and afterword by Vladimir Schwartz and comments by the editor Asel Daniyarova, participants who are already familiar with the book spoke.


Kazakh historian Shamek Tleubayev noted the clarity and logic of the presentation of materials, especially the historiographical part, the thoughtful selection of documents, their novelty and undoubted value for researchers, while drawing the author’s attention to the fact that the study of the uprising did not begin in 1926, but immediately in hot pursuit, as evidenced by publications in the Kazakh newspaper and others, starting in 1917.

The famous politician and statesman Emilbek Kaptagaev shared his analysis with the audience, noted the completeness of the disclosure of the topic, a new approach to its study, at the same time advised in the author’s speech not to use terms such as “Muslim uprising”, since the riots had no religious connotation, and in the documents of the colonial administration this term was used to denote the local population, unlike the Russian immigrants.

Gulnara Aitpaeva, head of the Aigine Cultural Research Center, which in 2016-2019 organized a project group of researchers from Central Asian countries to study the dramatic events of 1916, and published as an editor a collection of articles “Studying 1916: depoliticization and humanization of knowledge about the uprising in Central Asia” (link to the electronic version at the end of this note*) She shared her observations about how the documentary material included in the book was collected. The fact is that the work of the project team and the Sanzharbek Daniyarov Foundation was started approximately in the same period after the 100th anniversary of the uprising, and there was an exchange of views and discussions between the research groups at the Aigine site.

Next, Ayida Kubatova, a senior researcher at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, who is known for her research on the Jadid movement in Kyrgyzstan, took the floor. She noted that she was particularly interested in getting acquainted with unknown documents in the book, and even quoted from the report of Captain V.F. Zheleznyakov. The historian was impressed by the position of a person from the state imperial system, who is able to understand and accept the point of view of the local population, to criticize the actions of the authorities.

The next speaker was the writer and public figure, politician Kanybek Imanaliev, who at the time of the presentation had not yet had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the book, but stressed the relevance and importance of the topic raised and called on the society to support research.

A well-known political scientist, researcher of socio-political and social processes, collector of oral histories, creator and head of the “Esimde” project Elmira Nogoibayeva expressed the opinion that at the moment, the point of view of the local population is generally insufficiently represented and studied in studies of the colonial period. In addition, it is very important to study not only archival documents, but also the oral histories of eyewitnesses and their descendants.

Professor Ablabek Asankanov, Director of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, noted that the search for unconventional approaches to the study of events gives historians food for thought.

After that, historian Dakenova Nasikat said a few words, as we mentioned above.


The discussion continued in an informal setting at a buffet table. Many different opinions were expressed and questions were asked, which indicates great attention to the topic of the events of 1916 and at the same time the absence of a unified view on the cause and nature of what happened and the need for further publication of materials on this topic.


Presentation by Vladimir Shvartz:

Слайд (1)
« 1 of 37 »

Presentation by Asel Daniyarova:

Слайд АД (1)
« 1 of 10 »

More on the topic:

Briefly about the book and where one can buy it: PUBLISHED IN 2024. “MAY I HAVE THE HONOR TO CONVEY” A COLLECTION OF DOCUMENTS


the year 1916 › 1916: our research › 1916: our papers

the year 1916 › 1916: our research › 1916: chronicles

Telegram-channel in Kyrgyz & Russian:
Санжарбек Данияровдун коомдук фонду
Фонд Санжарбека Даниярова
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Asel Daniyarova


Dear history lovers!

The Sanzharbek Daniyarov Foundation invites you to the presentation of a new book dedicated to the events of 1916 in Semirechye entitled:

“I have the honor to convey…” The Semirechensk events of 1916 in the documents of the Vernensky search station.

The compiler of the collection, the author of the preface and afterword is Vladimir Schwartz.

The presentation will take place in Russian. Those wishing to express an opinion will be able to speak in Kyrgyz.

If you would like to take part in the event, please register using the number provided. To do this, write a written message stating your full name.

The book will be available for purchase during the presentation. In addition, the book is currently on sale in RARITET stores and in the NUSKA bookstore.

Brief information about the book and contact details of bookstores in the publication at the link:


More on the topic:

the year 1916 › 1916: our research

the year 1916 › 1916: our research › 1916: chronicles

Telegram-channel in Kyrgyz & Russian:
Санжарбек Данияровдун коомдук фонду
Фонд Санжарбека Даниярова
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Asel Daniyarova


We publish six essays by the winners of the first round of the 12th contest FIRST TEACHER of the 2023/24 academic year, who scored the highest points according to the jury.

Five essays were presented by the authors in Kyrgyz, one in Russian. We publish all works only in the original language without translation.

Theme of the 12th competition (2023/24 academic year):


Criteria for assessing essays:

  • completeness of topic disclosure
  • clarity and clarity of presentation of the main idea
  • presentation style (artistic)
  • writing literacy
  • usefulness for further work, transfer of experience
  • non-standard approach to the essay topic

For each criterion, the essay was evaluated by 6 jury members on a 5-point scale. The jury members evaluated the essays without the name of the author, each essay was assigned a code.

172 points

In Kyrgyz language


Y. Chanakov Secondary School, Jalal-Abad region, Suzak district, Kyzyl Senir village. This is the third time Nurjan became a finalist/


171 points

In the Kyrgyz language


K. Tagaev Secondary School. Batken region. Batken district, Samarqandek, Jany Bak village


170 points

In the Russian laguage


Alekseevka secondary school, Chui region, Jaiyl district, Alekseevka billage. Aigul Japarova participatedearlier participated in The First Teacher contest


170 points

In the Kyrgyz language


Secondary school named after Kuluke Tilekov, Issyk-Kul region, Ton district, Temir-Kanat village – Participates for the first time.


170 points

In the Kyrgyz language


Birlik Secondary School, Issyk-Kul region, Tyup district, Birlik village. Participates repeatedly.


169 points

In the Kyrgyz language


Secondary school named after Abdykaiyr Kazakbayev, Chuy region. Keminsky district, Chym-Korgon village – Participates for the first time.


More on the topic in the site:


Telegram-channel in Kyrgyz & Russian:
Санжарбек Данияровдун коомдук фонду
Фонд Санжарбека Даниярова
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Asel Daniyarova


Those who are interested in the life of schools in our country, the education system, the affairs of our foundation, visitors to our website know that the “FIRST TEACHER” contest for primary school teachers in rural schools of the Kyrgyz Republic is held annually, and this year for the 12th time.

Let me remind you that the contest takes place in two rounds. In the first round, teachers write essays on the theme of the year. The authors of six essays that received the highest scores according to the jury compete orally in the second round for three prizes and the title of FIRST TEACHER according to our version. All other participants take part in the second round as fans and observers.

The second round will take place in Bishkek on April 27, 2024. We will publish the program and venue on the website.

The first round is completed and I hasten to share its results.

The theme of the 12th contest FIRST TEACHER was as follows:

Is labor migration good or bad? The view of a rural teacher.

I am pleased to introduce you to the finalists of the first round, who scored the highest number of points for the essay as assessed by our jury. They will have to compete in the second round in front of the rest of the contest participants and guests.

  • ISAKOVA NURZHAN SHAMURATOVNA, No. 31 Y. Chanakov atyndagy orto mektep, Jalal-Abad region, Suzak district, Kyzyl Senir village – 172 upai. Chunchu Zholu finalist
  • GANYEVA AYMYSKAL YRYSBAYEVNA, K. Tagaev atyndagy orto mektep Batken region. Batken district, Samarkandek aiyl aimag, Zhany Bak aiyl – 171 upai. Birinchi zholu katyshuuda
  • JAPAROVA AYGUL KUSUEVNA Alekseevka orto mektebi, Chui region, Zhaiyl district, Alekseevka village – 170 upai. Kaitalanuu katyshuuchu
  • DYYSHONBY KYZY BERMET, Kuluke Tilekov atyndagy orto mektep, Issyk-Kol region, Ton district of Temir-Kanat village – 170 upai. Birinchi zholu katyshuuda
  • SERKEBAEVA GULZANA MOLDOBAYEVNA, Birlik orto mektebi, Isyk-Kol region, Tup district, Birlik village – 170 upai. Kaitalanuu katyshuuchu.
  • UMETALIEVA INDIRA SAKYPBEKOVNA, Abdykaiyr Kazakbaev atyndagy orto mektep, Chuy region. Kemin district, Chym-Korgon village – 169 upai. Birinchi zholu katyshuuda

The essays of 5 finalists were written in Kyrgyz, 1 finalist (Zhaparova Aigul Kusuevna) in Russian.

This year, 177 teachers submitted their materials to the contest. After checking for compliance with the requirements of the REGULATIONS of the contest and the absence of plagiarism, 141 essays were accepted for the contest. Of the total number, 130 essays are in Kyrgyz and 11 are in Russian.

Over the years of the FIRST TEACHER contest, the number of participants has changed as follows:

1 contest (2011) – 15 participants; 2 contest (2013) – 8 participants; 3 contest (2014) – 16 participants; 4 contest (2015) – 14 participants; 5th contest (2016) – 75 participants; 6th contest (2017) – 52 participants; 7th contest (2018) – 60 participants; 8th contest (2019) – 55 participants; 9th contest (2020) – 57 participants; 10th contest (2021) – 66 participants; 11th contest (2022/23 academic year) – 83 participants; 12th contest (2023/24 academic year) – 141 participants

Starting from the 11th contest, we began count not by calendar year, but by academic year.

As you can see, this year the number of participants has increased significantly. According to the terms of the contest, any primary school teacher in a rural school can take part in it. The Issyk-Kul teachers again turned out to be the most active in 2024, with a record number of participants from Tyup (45) and Ak-Suu (29). The number of participants from the region farthest from the capital, Batken, has increased significantly. This year, 13 teachers from Batken took part, while last year there was only one participant. The table on the left shows participation statistics by region.

I would especially like to note that among this year’s participants there are teachers – colleagues working in the same school. In some cases two, three or four teachers are from the same school.

But from these schools five teachers each took part:

  • Secondary school named after Jumash Asanaliev, Issyk-Kul region, Aksu district, Uch-Kainar village. Head teacher – Eralieva Asel Raimbekovna
  • School-gymnasium named after. A.S. Pushkin Issyk-Kul region, Ton district, village. Kaji-Sai. Head teacher – Abdyldaeva Sayragul Ibraevna
  • Birlik secondary school, Issyk-Kul region, Tyup district, village. Birlik. Head teacher – Kadyrova Begayim Bolotbekovna, director – Mukanbetova Asel Abdylisovna

I am inclined to assume that there is good support for teachers from the leaders in these schools.

Of course, there are also small schools in our country where there simply are not enough primary classes. And such schools are also represented in our contest. For example from the very far Enilchek village, primary school teacher Cholponbaeva Aigul Kadyrbekovna, who took part in the contest for the third time, despite the remoteness of the school, interruptions in the Internet/ Anpther example – basic school teacher (that is, up to the 9th grade) Turatova Cholponkul Kurmanbekovna from the small village of San-Tash with with 193 inhabitants.

As always, in the second round, six participants will answer questions that they know in advance. Which question out of the three tasks the participant will get will be known based on the drawing of lots.

Those readers of the site who are interested can read the questions here:


We will be glad to see specialists from the education system and simply interested persons at the second round of the contest on April 27. Details will be published on this website. All publications are announced in the foundation’s telegram channel.

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Asel Daniyarova